I offer a variety of services that are tailored to fit your individual needs. I am an Accredited Family Mediator and Collaborative Family Law Lawyer with over 30 years of family law experience. I focus on out-of-court settlement work. I am 100% committed to providing you with information and support to make it through this difficult time in your life.
The consultation is an opportunity for you to speak with me one-on-one about your situation. The cost is a flat fee of $450 (plus HST) . You tell me your story and I will:
Tell you about the relevant elements of family law and provide access to resources and educational materials
Explain your options
Provide an Action Plan
In the mediation process, I work with you and your spouse as an impartial guide to help you to discuss your case, understand the legal issues, negotiate and reach an agreement. We will focus on what is most important to you, and your children, when working out the issues. The cost is an hourly rate of $450 (plus HST).
In this model, I work closely with you from beginning to end. We will either use the collaborative process or engage in negotiations. The cost is an hourly rate of $450 (plus HST).
DIY DIVORCE (unbundled legal services)
With this structure you will self-assemble each piece of your separation, but will have access to my coaching services as you choose. The cost is either based on my hourly rate of $450 (plus HST) or on a flat fee agreed upon after our consultation.
Separation is a difficult path to travel but with effective support, resources and tools to break through the barriers, you will reach your destination.